Such a touching, wonderfully written account of what you’ve been through and what you’ve learned to treasure most in this life - much appreciate your sharing, Tom

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Very touched and moved by this post as I know where it's coming from and it carries great gravity and depth.. and it's painful as a voice to go through all of that I thank God for what he's preparing to do in you and through you! We've been cold for the kingdom for such a time as this!

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Joe Hemstock

Jan 2

RE: “I’m not a warmonger, but still very proud of this young man, for him, it was his best option.” Joe Hemstock

A deluded Laodicean minister in the Masonic Angel of Light’s harlot democratic church declares his patriotic pride for this young man’s carnal-minded decision to become a Semper Fi warmonger! Being a hateful enemy of the cross, who refuses to daily take up his martyrs cross, Pastor Joe Hemstock loves to encourage the Devil’s pew-sitting wolves in sheep’s clothing to daily grasp Uncle Sam’s bloody warmonger’s sword against their ‘enemies’. Christ’s Gospel commandment of putting away the sword and daily taking up your martyrs cross, as the Holy Spirit leads you to eternal life on the narrow path in His holy footsteps is NOT a viable prideful option in Joe’s Orwellian church. Lucifer’s best eugenic option for this young man is for him to become a Marine who daily takes up Big Brother’s sword until he becomes cannon-fodder for Mystery Babylon—Masonic Pax Americana. He went away a boy and came back as a man’s slaughtered corpse within a sacred flag-draped coffin…

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You’re pretty much an idiot… you neither know me or what I believe and you make far reaching assumptions based on what you think… I don’t give a rip about what you think, and I have probably forgotten more about the Bible than you know. I raised 7 children and countless youth in the church to adulthood and successful lives… all 7 of mine are in ministry. The Marines were indeed this young man’s best option, he will come back twice the man you will never be.

The Lord Rebuke You… go bark up someone else’s tree.

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Thanks for sharing the lessons learned. God’s word does not come back void and Romans 8:28 is an encouraging verse to a believer. What would’ve you wanted to hear in this trying time?

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I think Jobs friends just gathered in silence…. Just their presence… when they opened their mouth they screwed it all up. Had a man visit and pray for me, listened and left. That’s what I needed most

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I was just saying this same thing last Sunday at Bible study. I brought this same scenario up, Jobs friends showed up and no one spoke until Job spoke first. Very good and thanks for sharing its validation the Lord is speaking to us.

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